DanuBalt Project


Stuttgart, Germany


DanuBalt – Novel Approaches in Tackling the Health Innovation and Research Divide in the Danube and Baltic Sea Region

DanuBalt project was funded to analyse the mechanisms hindering the efficient exploitation of EU and regional instruments in the Baltic Sea and Danube macro regions as well as provide remedies that can help improve investment in regional health systems by efficiently using Structural Funds in combination with Horizon 2020.

The overall objective of DanuBalt was to explore novel pathways and integrate already proven approaches in addressing the divide between less performing RDI regions and lead innovating regions between and within the Danube and the Baltic Sea region. The project examined the current health research activities in the targeted geographical area, defined health niche markets with regional unique selling points (USP) promoting partnerships with high performing regions, formulated recommendations, and developed action plans based on common patterns and individual differences within the regions. Showing a way forward to increase investments in health research and innovation projects, transnational pilot activities were implemented, as well as short and medium term specific indicators were developed to measure development. The shared web for the macro regions promotes synergies, regional competencies, best practice exchange, and mutual learning.

This 2-year project between 2015-2016 was financed by Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

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