ESI Funds for Health Project

European Structural and Investment Funds for Health

Brussels, Belgium


ESI Funds for Health project was commissioned by CHAFEA in the framework of the EU’s third health programme (2014-2020). The project is coordinated by Milieu Ltd based in Brussels.  Other partners include Maastricht University, EuroHealthNet, HCN and King-eClient.

The project aims to gather knowledge on how the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) are used to support health investments under the 2014-2020 programming period, and to further develop capacities of Member States and regions to support the effective implementation of ESIF for health.

In doing this it builds on work that has already been carried out in the field – particularly by the ESIF for Health project, EUREGIO III and work delivered by Sub Group 2 of Member States within the Council Reflection Process on Modern, Responsive and Sustainable Health Systems.

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